What can landlords do about renter affordability?

What can landlords do about renter affordability?

06 | What can landlords do about renter affordability? LinkedInEmailDownload Home ⟩ By Adam Alari, Head of Living Research, Europe Residential rent-to-income ratios have risen across all European markets we monitor in the past decade. Figure 6, on the following...
Why invest in Natural Capital?

Why invest in Natural Capital?

08 | Why invest in Natural Capital? LinkedInEmailDownload Home ⟩ By Robert Godfrey, Investment Director As part of Savills Investment Management’s ambitions to become a restorative business, we are developing a Natural Capital strategy. If any reminder were...
Is there a future for office investment?

Is there a future for office investment?

09 | Is there a future for office investment? LinkedInEmailDownload Home ⟩ By Hamish Smith, Head of Research & Strategy, UK Structurally we are entering a new period for offices. While many people focus on office occupancy and regional difference in terms of...
Where should investors shop for returns?

Where should investors shop for returns?

10 | Where should investors shop for returns? LinkedInEmailDownload Home ⟩ By Andrew Allen, Global Head of Research, Product Strategy & Development If we stick with the image of “therapy”, then psychologists speak of distinct phases in facing crisis: shock,...